
Creation and birth could be used here synonymously.

In this universe, there is a natural tendency towards destruction. In such a universe, to destroy is necessary, but not the highest accomplishment. There is more than this.

Due to the nature of this law of physics, we have to make sure that we focus our creative forces as human beings in the best manner through our lives and those of others.

A building can be destroyed in a few moments by napalm or by a bomb, but it can take ten years to be built to a great building. The building will always have the meaning of life, while the bomb incarnates the notion of death.

Creation, in that case, is a more holy and time-consuming process; but the most rewarding of them all. Destruction is its counter-balance.

Likewise, a person can die suddenly in a moment by a destructive force, but it takes a very long time to create a proper human being by carefully growing it up, teaching it, and making it a high value being.

Life is the process of creation and must be cherished and upheld as the most sacred element of the universe, the form of creation. Blessed will be those who create life.


A Parable -

One Disciple who was new but holy-minded, asked Astarte: “Queen, a Temple of Yours is being Destroyed, should I go there to defend your Temple for falling? That will bring you honor, would it not?

Astarte responded: “No, you should not. My honor lies with you and not with marbles of stone, that will perish as it is.

The Disciple was left baffled and started crying, falling to the ground: “Why my Queen, should you accept such great insolence?

He then heard the response: “For there are things you cannot see, like we ultimate Beings do. You must Create this Temple, not destroy it. Be not like them, the blind destroyers. Where they destroy and remove, you must create and improve; at the stones they will cast down, so will be their gravestones…

Now”, continued Astarte, “You and your family, take them and go hide in a cave, my loyal one, for you are not a mindless destroyer like they.” Then Astarte disappeared into the Aether.

Baffled, the Disciple did run back to other believers and said shouting: “Astarte told us to not destroy this Temple!” - “Heretic, run away before we slaughter you also!”, said the Zealots. The Disciple did run away as fast as he could to his home and shouted for his wife and children to come out, and so they did. Nearby, the managed just in time to get in the cave in the burning city.

They laughed as they destroyed, experienced great joy as they massacred, and nothing remained of the Holy construction. The zealots killed many, including a poor fisherman who came into the time of the siege to alert everyone as he saw while fishing, that a tremendous turn in the weather was going to arrive.

In the blind feat of destruction, the fisherman was also killed on grounds of “Heresy” and in the “Name of the New God”.

The next day, as the zealots were having a tired sleep, a large amount of hailstone and flooding hit the village, where most people drowned and others died from the giant stones of hailstone, with nowhere to hide. There was no Temple to hide, as the Temple would have protected them. Crops were destroyed, and the people had nowhere to hide, under no stone. But the pious who heard the Goddess, hid in the cave, he survived. Inside the cave, the fisherman had hid enough fish to sustain his family for two months, buried in wooden boxes of salt.

Astarte then showed up to Him and said: “My disciple, do you understand now, the fickleness of Life and of Existence? They could have replaced the crosses and altered the Architecture, but they destroyed mindlessly, what would house them during grave times. Long will be their curse for generations, but not for your lot, that will be blessed.

Lady Astarte, saddened, did continue:

Similarly, another pious member of your tribe killed the fisherman of the village, because he perceived he was “wrong” in a moment of zealotry – now famine has visited your Land as well. You must learn to Create when you should create, and destroy only when necessary or when Creation cannot happen. I have buried the zealots, for they do misrepresent my Powers. If they believed in Me, they would have first tried their earnest to Create and would only Destroy mindfully and never recklessly. Such is the fate for the sons and daughters of mindless destruction, but not your own. Remember these words into Eternity.

These were the Words of the Goddess as She disappeared in to the Aether again.


For this particular reason, in Spiritual Satanism, creation should be put above destruction in the value of one’s ethics. Because absolutely everyone can kill or destroy, but not everyone can create.

Those who can create and strive to create, externally or internally, are striving closer to becoming children of the Gods.

The Female Disciple then asked Astarte: “Why is destruction below creation, but not in balance?

The Queen responded: “Creation, my daughter, verifies itself. Because we live in a universe where destruction is easy, but creation is infinitely more worthwhile. That was designed in the Universe, so that all beings in this World, understand the value of creation so that the worthy souls discover this heavenly power which is reserved for the brave and the kind hearted.



“Queen of the Created and the Creative Force,

Grant us the power to create,

Show us the way to plentiful creation,

Make us children of the Gods and not of the falling order!”

© Copyright 2023, Joy of Satan Ministries;
Library of Congress Number: 12-16457, CI-476909645 EU Copyright Number

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