Andrapoda Ethics

The Word Andrapoda is the term that was used by Ancient Greek philosophers to describe humans at a consciousness and behavior level of equal or lesser than an animal.

The Andrapods can range from simply non spiritually aware people, all the way to monsters in human form.

While animals are governed by instincts and therefore fully justified for their behaviors, the Andrapod is a human being that has forsaken their higher identity and might even end up becoming as a result a patron of ignorance, evil and decadence.

On the lowest levels of being an Andrapod, people will be brutal, irrational, grotesque, dangerous and filled with many qualities that do not represent ethics in anyway.

They will be socially destructive, anti-social and they can represent destruction incarnated.

As a final decay state, the Andrapod is worse than any human or an animal, dangerous to themselves and to society at large. They represent the lowest levels of goodwill, kindness and they also might be nefarious or evil, or none at all.

An Andrapod, in contrast to a merely non spiritually aware human being, is described by an intense denial to educate itself, advance itself, or engage in any form of action in good will especially to other people.

The final level of Andrapod means one only lives to destroy and engage in self serving activities that only destroy both the Andrapod itself and other human beings around it.

All human beings start off from a level where they are not yet sufficiently human. They have to make a choice whether they will move towards becoming fully human, or devolve into an Andrapod.

Education, physical and mental training, ethical improvement, empowerment of the human Spirit are all necessary components for one to shed the identity of the Andrapod from within themselves.

Spiritual Satanists are never Andrapoda, as they have made a change in their identity through Spiritual Satanism. If a Spiritual Satanist behaves in this manner, they should be either brought back to their senses, or they should be excommunicated from Spiritual Satanist.

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Library of Congress Number: 12-16457, CI-476909645 EU Copyright Number

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